Who are we

AccuRight has a team of business professionals who help new and existing businesses in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand to setup Tax Effective Business Structures. We distinguish ourselves from other accounting practices with our proven marketing model and methods which helps Business Leaders to rapidly increase the turnover of their businesses. We also help Business Leaders to save costs and time by automating the accounting processes of their business. This frees them up to work on their business’s strategy and business building activities. Therefore, daily bookkeeping; annual financial statements; and tax returns are no longer our primary focus because we have automated them. We now have time to spend with our business clients so that we can help them:

  • Increase the turnover of their business;
  • Become more profitable; as well as
  • Help them increase the market value of their business

Yes, we also do the traditional tax returns for our clients with property investments and Self-Managed Superannuation Funds. Our Competitive Advantage is that we have a thorough knowledge of the three countries’ tax law. Therefore, we can provide our clients with tax advice which the smaller accounting firms in Australia cannot do. We are small enough to be very competitive and at the same time we are spread wide enough to service our clients with the best tax advice.

Herman Ferreira is AccuRight Group’s managing director.